La Ilaha Ilalla Muhamdur Rasul Allah
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Sunday, July 25, 2021
मन पर नियंत्रण कैसे करें ? / How To Control Mind And Remove Unwanted Emotions, Thoughts, Desire? - Self Control
हमारा मन बहुत ही चंचल होता है / ये हमें एक जगह बैठने नहीं देता है / और सबसे बड़ी बात यह स्वार्थी बहुत होता है / इसे आपके अच्छे बुरे होने से नहीं मतलब , इसे तो सिर्फ स्वयं की क्षणिक ख़ुशी से मतलब होता है / और अक्सरतः इसकी क्षणिक ख़ुशी के बदले में हमें बहुत परेशानियों को झेलना पड़ता है /
इसीलिए हमें मन पर नियंत्रण कैसे करें .से पहले मन पर नियंत्रण क्यों करें ? जानना होगा /
मन पर नियंत्रण क्यों जरूरी है ?
महाराज युधिष्ठिर से यक्ष ने पूछा था कि सबसे तेज कौन से चीज चलती है ?
इस पर युधिष्ठिर ने जवाब दिया था ,मन / यानि दुनियां में मन से कोई भी चीज तेज नहीं चलती है / और जो चीज जितनी तेज चलती हैं , दुर्घटना के चान्सेस भी वही ज्यादा होते हैं /
मन पर अंकुश न किया जाए तो , यह मन आवारों की तरह भटकता है , और हमें तमाम PROBLEMS में डाल देता है / आज संसार में अपराध के बढ़ने का कारण मन पर नियंत्रण न होना है /
असफलता, अनिद्रा, अप्रसन्नता, तनाव, बीमारी आदि का कारण
असफलता का कारण, मन का भटकाव
मान लीजिए आप एक विद्यार्थी हैं /
आने वाले 10 महीनों बाद आपका EXAM है / तो आपको क्या करना चाहिए ? समय सारणी के अनुसार नित्य प्रतिदिन मेहनत से पढ़ाई करनी चाहिए / लेकिन आज आपका दोस्त मूवी देखने जा रहा है / उसने आपके पास फ़ोन किया कि वह मूवी देखने जा रहा है / क्या तुम भी चलोगे ? अब आप क्या करेंगे ? वही जो आपका मन कहेगा /अक्सर मन वही सलाह देता है , जो आपके लिए ठीक नहीं होता है / अब आपने सोचा कि चलो मूवी देखकर , लौटकर आएँगे तो पढ़ लेंगे / अब आप भी दोस्त के साथ मूवी देखने चले गए / लौट कर आए तो थक गए थे / फिर सोचा चलो अभी तो EXAMS दस महीने हैं / आज सोते हैं ,कल से पढाई करेंगे / सुबह जल्दी उठ जाएंगे / सुबह जब जल्दी उठना था तो, आपकी नीद तो खुली , लेकिन आपके मन ने कहा कि थोड़ी देर और सो लेते हैं / अब वो थोड़ी देर के चक्कर में आप सूरज के निकलने के बाद उठे / अर्थात देर में उठे /
फिर ये हुआ कि चलों शाम से शुरुवात करते हैं / इस प्रकार धीरे धीरे आपका मन आपके काम को आपसे कल पर टलवाता जा रहा है / और धीरे धीरे समय बीत रहा है / कोई न कोई मस्ती ,मूवी ,यार दोस्त , पार्टी , फ़ोन पर घंटो फालतू की बातें , शादी विवाह , फंक्शन , चैटिंग आदि के कारण आप पढ़ाई के लिए टालमटोल करते गए / और एक दिन EXAMS सर पर आ गए / अब आप लगे पढ़ने / न खाने की टाइमिंग ,न समय पर नहाना , न समय से सोना , और तो और एक साल के कोर्स को महीने भर में पूरा करने का प्रेशर / और इस आपाधापी में कोर्स भी पूरा नहीं होता / किसी तरह तनाव में EXAM देते हैं / और RESULTS आते हैं ,तो या तो औसत पास मार्का नंबर पाते हैं या तो फेल हो जाते हैं /
जरा सोचिए इतनी सारी चीजे किसके कारण हुई / एकमात्र केवल मन पर नियंत्रण न होने के कारण /
अनिद्रा का कारण ,मन पर नियंत्रण न होना
रात्रि के 10 बजे तक सभी को सो जाना चाहिए ,और सुबह भोर में उठना चाहिए / लेकिन देर रात तक लगे हैं फ़ोन से बाते करने में / धीरे धीरे ये रूटीन रोज का हो गया है / एक इंसान को स्वस्थ रहने के लिए 6 से 7 घंटे नीद लेना जरूरी है / रात में देर से सोना और सुबह जल्दी उठने के प्रेशर के कारण अक्सर आज लोग अनिद्रा के शिकार हो रहे हैं / जिसके कारण अवसाद ग्रस्त होना , हाई ब्लड प्रेशर आदि की बीमारियों से लोग ग्रसित हो रहे हैं / कारण सिर्फ मन के वश में आप हैं /
अप्रसन्नता का कारण . मन पर नियंत्रण न होना
जब आपकी नीद पूरी नहीं होगी , या आप अपने काबिलियत के अनुसार सफलता नहीं पा पा रहें हैं ,तो आप खिंचे खिंचे से रहते हैं / चहरे पर जैसे बारह बजे रहते हैं / ख़ुशी तो चेहरे से एकदम गायब हो जाती है /
बिना मेहनत के सफलता मिलती नहीं है / सफल होने के लिए आत्म अनुशासन जरूरी है / और आपका मन आपको मेहनत करने देता नहीं है / सफलता और मेहनत के बीच तमाम बहानों के रोड़े अटकाता है / और आपका मन आपकी खुशियाँ छीन लेता है /
तनाव या अवसाद का कारण, मन पर नियंत्रण न होना
मन पर नियंत्रण न होने के कारण आज लोग प्री जज करने लगते हैं / जो हुआ ही नहीं उसके बारे में नेगेटिव खयालात पहले से ही बुनने लगते हैं / और डर डर के जीने लगते हैं / ओवर थिंकिंग के कारण तनाव ,अवसाद , डिप्रेशन का शिकार हो जाते हैं /
अगर आप कभी ध्यान से सोचेंगे कि आप तनाव में क्यों हैं ? तो अधिकतर केसेज में पता चलेगा कि कारण कुछ नहीं , ओवर थिंकिंग ही होती है /
तमाम बीमारियों का कारण , मन पर नियंत्रण न होना
आप तनाव ग्रस्त हैं , फेलियर हैं , ओवर थिंकर हैं , रात रात भर नीद नहीं आती तो क्या होगा ? डिप्रेशन की बीमारी , हाई लो बी.पी. की बीमारी आदि की शुरुवात हो जाती है /
सिर्फ एक मन जो हमारे शरीर में रहकर हमें कंट्रोल करता है / इतनी परेशानियाँ खड़ी करता है /
अब जरा सोचिए कि हमारा वास्तविक दुश्मन कौन है ? कोई बाहरी नहीं, बल्कि हमारे भीतर में रहने वाला हमारा ही मन है /
तमाम अपराध का कारण भी मन का नियंत्रण न होना है
मन पर नियंत्रण न होने के कारण आज की युवा पीढ़ी बीड़ी ,सिगरेट , शराब , चरस, चोरी आदि तमाम आपराधिक प्रवृतियों में लिप्त हो रही है / औए आए दिन ऐसे केसेज अखबारों टी. वी., न्यूज़ में देखने को मिल जाते हैं /
इसीलिए दोस्तों एक स्वस्थ ,संपन्न , सुखी , ख़ुशी और सफल जीवन जीने के लिए मन पर नियंत्रण रखना , और नियंत्रित करने की कला को सीखना बहुत जरूरी है /
मन पर नियंत्रण कैसे करें ?
दोस्तों हमारा मन बहुत ही चंचल होता है / ये इतनी आसानी से नियंत्रित होने वालों में से नहीं है / लेकिन कुछ अभ्यास के द्वारा इस पर कंट्रोल किया जा सकता है /
भगवान कृष्ण ने मन पर नियंत्रण करने के लिए भगवत गीता में दो उपाय बताए हैं /
अभ्यास के द्वारा
दुनियां में असंभव कुछ भी नहीं है , हाँ मुश्किल जरूर है / और अगर मुश्किल है तो संभव है , किया जा सकता है / मन पर पहली बार में नियंत्रण करना आसान नहीं है / मन को वश में करने के लिए हमें अपने मन की नियत और चंचलता को समझना चाहिए / क्योकि मन को वश में करने का मतलब उसके विषयों से खीचकर मन को एक विषय पर केन्द्रित करना होता है / इस क्रिया को आपको प्रतिदिन बार बार करना होगा /
मन को स्थिर और वश में करने के लिए एक शांत स्थान का चुनाव कीजिए, जहां पर आपको कोई DISTURB न करें , DISTRACT न करे / आसन लगाकर ध्यान मुद्रा में बैठ जाइए / रीढ़ सीधी कर लीजिए / अब आप अपने साँसों को धीरे धीरे खीचिए , फिर धीरे धीरे छोडिए / अपना पूरा ध्यान अपनी साँसों को खीचने औए छोडनें पर लगाने का प्रयास कीजिए / ऐसी अवस्था में आपका मन भटकेगा , विचरण करेगा / करने दीजिए / उसे जहां जाना हो जाने दीजिए / आप बस दृढ़ता पूर्वक अपना पूरा ध्यान अपने साँसों पर ही लगाए रखिए / सिर्फ आप अपने मन के भटकाव को एक दर्शक की तरह देखिए , लेकिन आप उसके साथ न जाइए /
अगर आपका मन ज्यादा PROBLEM करे ,तो एक कल्पना कीजिए / आप स्वयं से कहिए कि, मैं एक आत्मा हूँ , मन नहीं हूँ / आप मान लीजिए कि मन आपसे एकदम अलग है / मन को जहाँ भी जाना हो जाए , मुझे तो सिर्फ साँसे गिनना है /
जब बार बार आप स्वयं से अपने मन को अलग करने की कल्पना करेंगे , तो धीरे धीरे आपका मन शांत होने लगेगा / और इसी प्रकार रोज प्रतिदिन 10 मिनट ,20 मिनट .आधे घंटे रेगुलर अभ्यास करने से आपका मन नियंत्रित होने लगेगा / और जब आपका मन आपके वश में होने लगेगा तो आप अपने अच्छे से अच्छे कामों में सफलता हासिल करने लगेंगे /
स्वामी विवेकानंद , डॉ ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम , प्रधानमन्त्री नरेंद्र मोदी आदि महानतम हस्तियों ने अपने मन पर नियंत्रण करके ही सफलता अर्जित की है /
वैराग्य के द्वारा
भगवत गीता में मन पर नियंत्रण का दूसरा उपाय वैराग्य बताया गया है / वैराग्य का अर्थ होता है त्यागना / इसका अर्थ यह बिलकुल न लगाइए कि घर बार छोड़कर जंगल चले जाना ही वैराग्य है /
जो चीजे आपकी सफलता में रुकावट हैं , अवरोध हैं ,उसे आपको जरूर ही त्याग देना चाहिए / लेकिन आपका मन उस चीज को त्यागने नहीं देगा / और इस प्रकार से अपने मन की न सुनकर स्वंय की सुनते हैं, और जरूरी चीजे करते हैं / और मन द्वारा लालायित चीज का त्याग करते है तो, इसे वैराग्य कहते हैं /
“मान लीजिए शाम को आपको पढ़ने बैठना है / और यह आपके लिए जरूरी भी है / और उसी समय टी वी पर आपके मन पसंद कोई मूवी आ रही है / या आप उसी समय टी वी देखने के शौक़ीन हैं / पर आप टी वी देखना छोड़ना चाहते हैं / टी वी की आवाज आपके कानों में आते ही आपका मन उधर आकर्षित हो रहा है / और आपका मन पढ़ाई में नहीं लग रहा है /
तो आपको अपना ध्यान टी वी से हटाने के लिए कोई दूसरा काम करना पड़ेगा / आप उसी समय बाहर शैर पर जा सकते हैं / अब जब भी टी वी देखने या मूवी देखने का मन करे तो किसी दूसरे काम में अपने मन को लगाकर ध्यान को हटाने की कोशिश करिए / कुछ दिनों बाद टी वी या मूवी देखने की लालसा आपकी धीरे धीरे कम होने लगेगी / और मन शांत होकर आपके अनुसार काम करने लगेगा /
तो दोस्तों आशा करता हूँ ये आर्टिकल आपको पसंद आया होगा , आपके मन नियंत्रण में सहायक सिद्ध होगा / ये आपको कैसे लगा JOIN MYWORLD :
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Monday, July 25, 2016
Have mercy on Da’wah Salafiyyah and its Scholars – Al-‘Allaamah Rabee’ bin Haadi
by |
Al-Madinah Al-Nabawiyyah
Have mercy on Da’wah Salafiyyah and its Scholars – Al-‘Allaamah Rabee’ bin Haadi
by |
Al-Madinah Al-Nabawiyyah
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Ishq – Extreme Fervent Love
Compiled & Translated
Abbas Abu Yahya
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ahmad bin AbdulHaleem Ibn
Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
Ibn Qayyim aj-Jawzeeyah (d.751 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘al-Ishq is an excessive love,
where by one fears for the person who is excessive in his love.’[3]
Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘Majority of the scholars do not completely
apply this word[4] in respect to
Allaah. This is because al-Ishq is an extreme love, which
exceeds necessary bounds, and Allaah’s love has no limitations, so
it does not end at a level of which it is necessary to not go beyond.
These scholars have said al-Ishq is criticised and
disliked completely, it is not praised, not in love for the creator or
for the creation, because it is an excessive love which goes beyond the
bounds of being praiseworthy.
Also, the word 'Ishq' is
customarily used for a man loving a woman or a young child, it is not
used for love like loving ones family, wealth, ones country, status, love of
Prophets and righteous people. Since Ishq is also mainly
linked with prohibited actions, either with loving a woman one is not married
to, or a young child, and al-Ishq is mainly linked to
looking at something prohibited, or touching something which is
prohibited, as well as other prohibited actions.’[5]
Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘Ishq is a psychological disease
and if its effect is strengthened against the body, then the sickness in the
body becomes either mental illnesses and that is why it is a sickness of whisperings,
or physical illnesses of the body like a weakness and anorexia etc.’[6]
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728
A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘Having Ishq for a woman
[whom a person is not connected to] has so much corruption which no one can
enumerate except the Lord of the worshippers. It is from the illnesses
which corrupt the Deen of the one who has this
illness. Then it can corrupt his intellect, and after that his body.’[7]
Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymeeyah -Rahimullaah-said:
‘If a man’s heart becomes attached to a
woman, even though she is permissible for him, then his heart
becomes a prisoner for her. She controls it and manipulates it the way
she wants.
From what is apparent he is her
master, because he is her husband, whereas in reality he is her
prisoner and her slave, especially if he is in great want of her, and had excessive
love for her. Then here she controls him like an overwhelming oppressive
master controls his subjugated slave from whom he cannot end
with, rather it is greater than this, indeed imprisonment of the
heart is greater than imprisonment of the body, and enslavement of the heart
is greater than the enslavement of the body.’[8]
Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘If the heart has love for Allaah Alone
taking the Deen sincerely for Allaah, then fundamentally it
is not trialled with love for other than Allaah, more so than being trialled
with Ishq.
Whereby if a person is trialled with Ishq then
indeed his love for Allaah alone was deficient. This is why as Yusuf loved
Allaah and took the Deen sincerely for Allaah, he was not
trialled by it. Rather Allaah Ta’ala said:
كَذَٰلِكَ لِنَصۡرِفَ عَنۡهُ ٱلسُّوٓءَ
وَٱلۡفَحۡشَآءَۚ إِنَّهُۥ مِنۡ عِبَادِنَا ٱلۡمُخۡلَصِينَ
As for the wife of Aziz she was a Mushrika (female
polytheist), her and her people, and that is why she was trialled
with Ishq.’[9]
A Fabricated Hadeeth about Ishq
The Fabricated Hadeeth:
'Who ever had Ishq, hid it,
abstained and died then he is a martyr.'
Mawdoo – fabricated
Shaykh Albaani commented after
researching the hadeeth saying:
'Indeed the 'Allaama Ibn
al-Qayyim rejected this Hadeeth due to its meaning and also due to the ruling
of it being fabricated. He brilliantly clarified this in his book 'Zad
al-Ma'ad' where he said:
'Do not be deceived by the fabricated
Hadeeth upon the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam'
Then Ibn al-Qayyim researched this Hadeeth
from two chains then he said:
'Indeed this Hadeeth is not authentically
reported from the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam
- and it is not permissible for it to be from his speech, since
indeed martyrdom has a very high status to Allaah, which is connected
to the status of truthfulness. It has actions and situations which
are conditions for achieving martyrdom and they are of two types,
general and specific.
Specific martyrdom is martyrdom in the path
of Allaah and the general are the five mentioned in the Saheeh of Bukhari
and al-Ishq is not one from them.
How can having Ishq acquire
the status of martyrdom when it is committing Shirk in loving Allaah and it
is emptying the heart from loving Allaah and that the heart, soul and love
are possessed for other than Allaah!? This is impossible, indeed evil
corruption for the heart of the one who has Ishq of pictures
is above all evil corruption, rather it is an intoxicant of the soul which
makes it intoxicated and averts it from the remembrance of Allaah and loving
Him, and the delight and sweetness of calling unto Him and to come close to
Ishq obligates servitude of the heart to other than
Allaah, since the heart of the one who has Ishq worships
the one whom he has Ishq for, rather Ishq is
the core of servitude, since it is complete humility and love and submission
and regarding as great.
So how can a heart have servitude for other
than Allaah, that great servitude which the status the best of the Muwahiddeen (those
who worship Allaah Alone) and their foremost and the best of the Awaliyah (those
close to Allaah) can achieve?!
If the Isnaad of this
Hadeeth was clear like the sun then still it would be wrong and presumptuous,
and there is no correct recorded wording what so ever of Ishq from
the authentic Hadeeth from the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam.
Indeed from Ishq there is
that which is permissible and that which is prohibited, so how can one think
that the Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - would give
a verdict upon every person who has Ishq hides it and
abstains from it that he is a martyr?!
How can it be that a person has Ishq for
someone else's wife or has Ishq for a young child or a
prostitute and that due to his Ishq he will achieve the
status of martyrs! ?
Is this not something which is known to
oppose that which is known about the Deen of the
Prophet - sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam?
How can it be since Ishq is
an illness from the illnesses for which Allaah -Subhanahu-placed
treatment for it from the Sharia and an amount for it,
seeking treatment from Ishqis either obligatory if the Ishq is
the prohibited type or treatment is recommended.
If you reflect upon the illnesses and those
things which affect a person for which the Messenger of Allaah -
sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam - gave a verdict that the person who
has that illness achieved martyrdom then you will find that it is for those
illnesses which have no cure for them. For example, the plague, stomach
illness, mental illness, death by fire, drowning also from them is a woman
who is killed by the child in her stomach.
Indeed this affliction is from Allaah, the
slave of Allaah plays no part in this, and it had no cure and the
reasons for these types of martyrdom are not prohibited ways, and as a
consequence there is no evil corruption upon the heart or worship of other
than Allaah as is a consequence of al-Ishq.
If this is not sufficient invalidating the
ascription of this Hadeeth to the Messenger of Allaah - sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam, then you should blindly follow the scholars of Hadeeth
those who have knowledge of it and its defects. This Hadeeth has not been
authentically preserved from not even one Imam from amongst them ever, that
he testified that this Hadeeth is authentic, not even regarded as Hasan,
how can it be when the Imams criticised Sawayd (a narrator) about this
Hadeeth and they accused him due to this Hadeeth with terrible things and
some of them allowed a war to be waged against him due to this Hadeeth.' this
is the end of Ibn al-Qayyim's speech.
A summary of this is that the Hadeeth
is Da'eef Isnaad and its text is fabricated as is declared
likewise by Ibn al-Qayyim in the two previous sources and also in the book
'al-Manar' by Ibn al-Qayyim and also in 'Rowdatul Muhibbeen', and Allaah
knows best.'[10]
The Cure for Ishq
Ibn Qayyim aj-Jawzeeyah (d.751 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘If Ishq occurs but not in
a prohibited way, then a person is not blamed for it. Like the one who
has Ishq for his wife or his slave girl but then separates
from her but Ishq for her remains and it does not separate
from him, then this person is not blamed for it.
Likewise if the man took an unexpected
glance but he turned away from looking, however, Ishq indeed
had caught a hold of his heart involuntarily except that it is upon him to
repel it and turn it away.’[11]
Ibn Taymeeyah (d.728 A.H.) -Rahimullaah-said:
‘If he is trialled with Ishq and
desisted, and was patient then he is rewarded for his havingTaqwa of
Allaah. Since it is known with Sharia evidence that if a person
desisted from prohibitions, looking at them, statements and
actions, and he kept them secret and did not speak about them, so much
so that there is no prohibited speech which is, either complaining to the
creation, or doing an evil deed or fulfilling a request for the beloved
one, and being patient upon obedience to Allaah and keeping away from sinning
against Allaah. Also being patient upon what is in his heart from the
pain of Ishq just like an afflicted person is patient upon
the pain of the affliction. This is done by he who feared Allaah and
had patience.
إِنَّهُۥ مَن يَتَّقِ وَيَصۡبِرۡ فَإِنَّ
ٱللَّهَ لَا يُضِيعُ أَجۡرَ ٱلۡمُحۡسِنِينَ
<< Verily, he who fears Allaah with
obedience to Him (by abstaining from sins and evil deeds, and by performing
righteous good deeds), and is patient, then surely, Allaah makes not the
reward of the Muhsinoon (good-doers) to be lost. >>
[Surat Yusuf: 90][12]
All Praise belongs to Allaah, may His peace
and blessings be upon our final
Prophet Muhammad, his
family, his companions
and all those who
follow his
[1] T.N. Some of the ignorant Muslims
apply this word in their false claim of loving the Messenger of Allaah -sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam, whereas in reality they do not follow him -sallAllaahu
alayhi wa sallam. Allaah Ta’ala said: << Say: ‘If you (really) love Allaah then follow
me >> [Al-Imraan: 31]
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Characteristics of The Saved Sect
by Shaikh 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Raheem Ibn Husayn Al-Bukhaaree (hafidhahullaah) [The following is a summary of an extremely beneficial portion of a highly beneficial advice the shaikh gave a few years ago]
This Saved Sect, who are also this Aided and Victorious Group, those who are upon this blessed da'wah, they are known through different characteristics and signs. We will mention the most important of them, as a summary.In summary, the people of The Saved Sect are upon the manhaj of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his companions (radiallaahu 'anhum) after him. They are not upon anything else. This is a summary, the answer in brief.In detail [the shaikh mentioned nine points:]1- From the main characteristics of what distinguish The Saved Sect and those who adhere to it is that they are those who establish servitude to Allaah alone. And they [establish] the Deen sincerely for Allaah Subhanahu wa Ta'aala. They worship Allaah alone, not associating anyone or anything with Allaah in worship.
2- They single out the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) in ittiba' (following). They follow the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam).
3- They adhere to the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saleh (radiallaahu 'anhum), the righteous predecessors. And we have [already] brought to you the adila (the proofs) from the legislation, wherein we are commanded to adhere to the way of the Salaf-us-Saleh, and we have been prohibited from going against that which they were upon.
4- To beware of and warn against bid'ah and Innovators, and sin and sinners.
5- Al-Waasatiyah (adhering to the middle course in this religion) between the two extremes - al-ghuloo (going beyond the boundaries) and jafaa` (negligence).
6- They are firm upon the haqq (truth) and adhere to it.
7- They are so eager and diligent and concerned to be united in the most harmonious way upon the truth - upon the Book and the Sunnah. And you find them against division and differing. They call the people to be united and kind and gentle with one another and to have harmony, and likewise they call against division and differing. And they do all this upon the truth, while using the truth itself. So they call to the true unity upon the truth, using the truth itself to call to it. Not any [kind of] unity [such as the people of bid'ah - such as Ikhwanul Muslimeen - who call to uniting upon falsehood]. And they warn against division and differing, in truth - using the truth itself.
8- They constantly busy themselves with seeking knowledge, the beneficial knowledge. They learn beneficial knowledge of this Deen, and they disseminate it amongst the people and call to it, (and) while doing all this - learning, disseminating and calling - they are patient upon the harms they may encounter and face.
9- Acting upon the knowledge, not just having knowledge.And there are so many proofs from the revelations [Qur`an and Sunnah] and the Seerah of the Prophet (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and his companions, and the Imams of this religion. They're all proof to what we mentioned. From all these proofs, I will choose only one, a great hadeeth that comprehensively comprises all that we have mentioned - the hadeeth of Al-'Irbaad ibnu Saariyah (radiallaahu 'anhu), which we mentioned earlier. However, in sha` Allaah, there will be a benefit in repeating this matter.
Al 'Irbaad bin Saariyah (radiallaahu 'anhu) said:"The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) admonished us one day after the early morning prayer. The admonition was heartfelt and eloquent and caused the eyes to shed tears and the hearts to tremble. A man from amongst us said, 'Certainly, it is as if this is a farewell admonition, so with what do you advise us, O Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam)? He replied: I advise you to fear Allaah, and to listen and obey those in authority over you even if it were a slave. Indeed, whoever from amongst you lives long will witness much differing. So incumbent upon you is my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly-guided khulafaa (Caliphs) after me. Bite onto it with your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters (in the religion), for verily every newly invented matter (in the religion) is a bid'ah, and every bid'ah is a misguidance."Contemplate carefully upon this great hadeeth that comprises all these characteristics of this noble methodology that distinguish The Saved Sect.
1- It includes the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) advising us with Taqwa, and by achieving Taqwa you will achieve the 'Uboodiyah (the worship of Allaah alone).
2- And it includes the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) commanding us with his Sunnah, this means that you single out the Prophet in following, and he is to be followed in this Deen.
3- And it includes the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) advising us with following the Sunnah of the rightly-guided Khulafa (Caliphs), and in it is a command to follow their understanding, the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saleh, as has already preceded.
4- And it includes the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) warning against bid'ah. We take from that to beware and warn against bid'ah and its people.
5- That you understand the Sunnah [the whole Deen] with the understanding of the Salaf-us-Saleh; this is how you will be from those people who always stay on the middle course, not to fall into one extreme or the other. Likewise, it is taken from the statement of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam): Whoever from amongst you lives long will witness much differing... --------> This difference is due to either one extreme or the other - Ghuloo and Jafaa`.
6- Warning against division, that division and separation that is blameworthy. This is taken from the Prophet's statement: Whoever from amongst you lives long will witness much differing... So therefore, the one who holds firmly onto the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam), he is saved from differing and division. And from that also is the command to be united upon the truth - also taken from the Prophet's statement: So incumbent upon you is my sunnah and the sunnah of the rightly-guided khulafaa (Caliphs) after me. Bite onto it with your molar teeth.It is well known, my dear brothers, that these characteristics and these beautiful distinguishing points of The Saved Sect, it is impossible to put them into application without beneficial knowledge. Ibnu Taymeeyah (rahimahullaah Ta'aala) said: All good and rectification and perfection is limited to beneficial knowledge and righteous actions.So if someone wants good and rectification and reform that is correct, it is limited and restricted to beneficial knowledge and acting upon it with righteous actions...Earlier, Shaykh 'Abdullaah al-Bukhaaree had said: The Saved Sect are pleased with Allaah as a Lord, Islaam as a religion, and Muhammad (salallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as a Prophet and Messenger.
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