Friday, January 27, 2012

Mawlid-un-Nabi (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم)

Shaikh Al-AlbaniCelebrating the noble birthday of the Prophet, is it good or evil?
Questioner[It is] good.
Shaikh Al-AlbaniOkay.  This good – were the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, and his Companions ignorant of it?
Shaikh Al-AlbaniI am not satisfied now with you saying no.  Rather it is obligatory upon you to proceed and say: It is impossible for this good – if it is good – or other than it to be hidden from the Prophet, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam, and his Companions specifically since we do not know Islaam except by way of Muhammad, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam – so how do we know some good which he did not?!  This is impossible.
QuestionerEstablishing the celebration of the Prophetic birthday is a revival of his remembrance, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam, and in that is honour for him.
Shaikh Al-AlbaniThis philosophising is something we are acquainted with.  We hear it from many people and have read it in their books.  But when the Prophet, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam, called people did he call them to all of Islaam or to Tawhid?
Shaikh Al-AlbaniThe first thing he called them to was Tawhid. After that the prayers were made compulsory.  After that fasting was made compulsory.  After that Hajj was made compulsory and so on.  Therefore, you [too] should proceed, step by step, according to this prescribed Sunnah.  We have now agreed that it is impossible that there can be some good with us which the Prophet, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam, did not know.  [Since] we have come to know all good by way of the Prophet, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam. No two people will differ about this and no two ram’s will strike horns over this.  And I believe that whoever doubts this then he is not a Muslim.  From the sayings of the Prophet, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam, that support this are his, sallalaahu alaihi wa sallam, saying, “I have not left anything which will bring you closer to Allaah except that I have ordered you with it.” [Reported by at-Tabaraani, authentic, refer to Asl Sifatis-Salaatin-Nabee, vol. 3, p. 942]
So if celebrating his birthday was good and was something which would bring us closer to Allaah then it is befitting that the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, should have directed us to it.
Correct or not?  I do not want you to agree with me without being totally convinced about every letter I say.  And you have total freedom to say, ‘Please, I am not convinced with this point.’  So is there anything that you are not convinced with so far or are you with me?
QuestionerWith you totally.
Shaikh Al-AlbaniMay Allaah reward you with good.  So [the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, said], “I have not left anything which will bring you closer to Allaah except that I have ordered you with it.”
We say to all those who claim that it is permissible to hold this celebration – this celebration is good – according to you, therefore either the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, has directed us to it or he has not directed us to it.  So if they say: he has directed us to it.  We say: Bring your proof if you are truthful.  And they will never ever find a way to be able to do that.  And we have read the writings of Alawi and other than Alawi regarding this and they do not use as proof anything except the saying that this is a good innovation!! [bid’ah hasanah]  This is a good innovation!!
All people, whether it is those who celebrate the birthday or those who denounce this celebration – all of them agree that this celebration was not present in the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, nor the time of the Noble Companions and nor the time of the eminent scholars.  But those who allow this celebration say: And what is there that occurs in this celebration?  It is remembrance of the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, and the sending of salutations upon him and so on!  So we say:  If it was good they would have preceded us in it.  You know the saying of the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, “The best of people is my generation then the ones who follow them then the ones who follow them.” [Reported by Bukhaari, Muslim, Tirmidhee and Ibn Maajah].
And this hadith is reported in the two Sahih’s [Bukhari and Muslim].  And his generation, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, is the one he and his Companions lived in.  Then the ones who followed them are the Taabi’een. Then the ones who followed them are the Atbaa’ut-Taabi’een (the followers of the Taabi’een).  There is also no dispute in this.  So can you imagine that there is any good which we could have preceded them in, in both knowledge and action?  Is that possible?
QuestionerAs for knowledge, if the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, had said to anyone in his time that the Earth spins …
Shaikh Al-AlbaniI’m sorry.  I would prefer you do not sidetrack.  Since I asked you about two things: knowledge and action.  And in reality, what you just said has benefited me – since naturally when referring to knowledge I am referring to religious [shar’ee] knowledge not medicine, for example.  I can say that a doctor here is more knowledgeable than Ibn Sina in his time, because he came generations later, and he has had much much more experience and practice - but this does not prove his virtue before Allaah and nor does it put him before the generations that were given witness to [in the above mentionedhadith].  But it does prove his virtue in the knowledge [field] which he knows.  And we are speaking about ordained [shar’ee] knowledge, may Allaah bless you.  So it is obligatory that we pay attention to this.  When I say to you: do you believe that it is possible that we can be more knowledgeable, I am referring to religious [shar’ee] knowledge not knowledge gained through experience like geography, astronomy, chemistry or physics.  Suppose, for example, in this time there is a disbeliever in Allaah and His Messenger, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam,but he is the most knowledgeable of all people in these sciences, will that bring him closer to Allaah?
Shaikh Al-AlbaniThus we are not talking now about knowledge in those fields, rather we are talking about that knowledge by which we want to get closer to Allaah, the Blessed and Most High.  And a short while ago we were talking about the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam. So the question now returns, and I hope that I will obtain a clear answer without any sidetracking again.  So I say: do you believe, with what you have been given of intellect and understanding, that it is possible for us – and we are at the end of time – that we can be more knowledgeable than the Companions and the students of the Companions [Taabi’een] and the Mujtahid Imaams in religious [shar’ee] knowledge, and that we can be faster in doing good actions and getting closer to Allaah than these righteous predecessors?
QuestionerBy religious knowledge do you mean exegis [tafsir] of the Quraan?
Shaikh Al-AlbaniThey are more knowledgeable than us regarding tafsir of the Quran; they are more knowledgeable than us regarding explanations of the sayings of the Prophet, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam – at the end of the day they are more knowledgeable than us regarding the entire Shari’ah of Islaam.
Transcribed with abridgement from one of the tapes of Shaikh Al-Albani, may Allaah have mercy on him. Silsilatul-Hudaa wal-Noor, tape no. 1/94.
Words between square brackets [] are those of the translator.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Trials And Examination Of The Sons Of Adam


Praise be to Allah who has what in the heavens and Mava earth with praise in the Hereafter, which is wise expert and the witness is no god but God (created death and life to test you is best in accordance with the Mighty, the Forgiving) and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger Bashir prognostic and OS enlightening and may Allah bless his family and his companions, the people seriously and roll peace and recognition of the many after

O people, fear of God,
Said God (who created death and life to test you is best in accordance with the Mighty, the Forgiving), between the Almighty wisdom of creating a life and death and they trials and examination of the sons of Adam Which improves the work of the Hereafter, and Allah Almighty did not tell you is more work but he said: (you is best action), What matters is the work-Hassan does not work a lot which is not good, and the work is good only when the conditions first condition devotion to God Almighty in which there is a trap and is not a hypocritical one's reputation or intent-to-face is not intended for the greed of the world and the second condition is that be correct, the year of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him in accordance with what came from the Prophet peace be upon him is not a fad and a newly-invented the first work is the Khalth trap returns to its owner does not accept a Ahabt and void and the, who lost the second condition, a follow-up of the Prophet, peace be upon peace and it is also invalid and return on the owner said peace be upon him: "It is an action that is not a matter of ours will have it rejected,"
In the novel: "Whoever innovates in this matter of ours that is not part it rejected" any return to its owner, whether that is the latest innovation or the most recent other and the work of the tradition to him, the innovation-effective all at any cost the owner himself in because God commanded us to follow the example of the Prophet peace be upon him (I've had you in the Messenger of Allah a good example), and did not order us to follow the example to other and this said peace be upon him: "You have my Sunnah and the Sunnah the rightly-guided of me clung to it and cling tightly to it and beware of newly invented matters, both an innovation and every innovation is misguidance,

And God made us play three times a tiger by the house

FIRST HOUSE: world when they are the abode of action which is mixed of good and evil, the believer and the infidel and hypocrite mingled in this world mixed business The mix of people in this world and the house,
SECOND HOUSE: tombs house the isthmus a station waiting for the world and the Hereafter and in the grave either of the gardens of Paradise or a hole to dig fire, God forbid, based on what he died upon the faith or hypocrisy or kufr and shirk it comes to him in the grave of a penalty Hereafter (We will punish them from suffering the minimum without the greatest punishment that they might come back), Faotah of paradise that he believed and come to him from the fire that was a hypocrite or an unbeliever or idolater house,

THIRD HOUSE: Hereafter, a House resolution, which is not leaving, including the House resolution, any stability that does not leave them a recompense and divided people in to two teams only two team in the Paradise and the team at Blaze believers in Paradise, and the infidels and the polytheists and the hypocrites in the fire, God forbid do not leave them no more death or transfer of this is the home of the Hereafter, all going through, but where are those who consider and where to learn a lesson, said God to us (Know that life is but a minimum play and fun and decoration and boasting among you and the proliferation of funds and boys like Ghaith impressed infidels poem then irritates Fterah yellow and then be in ruins and in the hereafter a severe torment and forgiveness from God and Radwan life of this world only the enjoyment of vanity * try to beat to forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as heaven and earth,
prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers that Fadlallah He bestows on whom He wills and Allah is Great), it clearly is not the confusion and let God we're sorry or excuse but established for us the evidence and the evidence and explained everything to us is not hidden from us anything that was or will be know you people are certain about life is but a minimum play, play in the physical and fun in the hearts and Accessories in the manifestations play in the spine, some people career games and is called a player all his life, one of the players and proud of it There is no power but in God as if he created to play and play if it is in the limits and the benefit of the hull and consequent precautions, it is permissible limits but can not be called human player or be his career playing always and forever This is an infidel As a believer as he prepared for the Hereafter and strives to Hereafter did not create this world and the fun in the hearts of the weak (for frail hearts),
the heart is no interest in the Hereafter, and busy this world and preoccupied with not benefit to him of it and Accessories in the appearances of clothing, boats, houses Accessories ornamental borders Accessories permissible (say the campus Accessories of God which He has produced for His slaves, and good things of living say is for those who believe in this life, the Day of Resurrection), and God commanded us Baltazan and beautification in Our punishment in our bodies, but that not divert us from Accessories Heart means Nzin phenomena not Nzin Albwatun Nzin hearts to obey God and Nzin spine including permitted God and boasted among you pride among the people in the genealogy in Alahsab in jobs each and every one is proud of the other and pride but it is obedience to God Almighty good work this is the pride The pride otherwise, it is pride void especially proud of who holds the contempt of the people and contempt for the people proud of who holds the arrogance and families and vanity, boasting among you (and the proliferation of funds and boys), every one says I am more than so and so wealth I am more than so and so money and Livni days and nights asking for the money and Akdsh and monitored in the bank and say I am more than so and so money (I'm more than you money and respect of men), boasts the owner said to him: (show me I am under your wealth and children),

God Almighty does not look to the funds, but rather look to the business and hearts, "The God does not look at your photos and your money, but looks at your hearts and your deeds, "The proliferation of funds (Olhakm reproduction * until you visit the graves), (and they said we are more money and the boys and we Bmazben), he said, God Almighty: (and your wealth nor your children the way that Tqrbakm our Zulfa only He who believes and does righteous deeds, for those, they spot weakness as they worked on their Algerfat safe), God does not consider the money and the boys, but look at the hearts and to work For a Muslim to be distracted by that and then hit this world, for example, he said: (like Ghaith) means rain (like Ghaith impressed infidels poem) impressed by the infidels of any farmers who grow if a serious transplant admired him and intended to do here is intended Balzraa here infidels are those who admire this world this is a matter of an example disbelievers admire this world and forget the Hereafter (and you like their money and their children, but God wants to punish them in the world and lost themselves while they are disbelievers),

The Muslim must beware of that (and the proliferation of funds and boys like Ghaith impressed infidels poem and then irritate), this consequence of this world (and then irritates Fterah yellow and then be in ruins), so the person is a young man as strong and be a teenager average and takes the inferiority and be an old man pyramid if God prolong his age and then die and ends with him and his place in this world (see yellow and then be in ruins), this is an example to the children of Adam beat God (the God who created you of weakness, then made after weakness strength, then made after the force vulnerable The Shaybah creates what He wills is Alim Almighty), After all we all have to Ntbesr in our affairs and Ntbesr in this world and Akhratna and adhere to our religion and to improve the work that we do not have this life but to work no matter how abounded wealth and children, it does not come out of this world to the shrouded with a cloth worth a few dirhams if it has billions and millions of it to others except as provided for himself, including the Hereafter, or benefited by his worldly affairs as permitted by Allah (O you people that the promise of God is right there Tgrenkm life of this world do not tempted by God vanity * The devil is your enemy Vatakdhuh enemy, but calls from his party to be the owners of Blaze).

God bless you and me in the Holy Qur'aan, and Nfna including the statement and of the Holy Quran, I say this and ask God for me and you and all Muslims from all sin, Fastgvrōh He is the Forgiving, Most Merciful.


Praise God for His grace and kindness, and thank him for his blessing and gratitude, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, out of respect for the will, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and his companions, peace and recognition very much, but after

O people, fear Allah and know that condemn the world is not due to the same are created by God Almighty for the benefits of the people they are the best for those who used to obey God is evil to those used in the wrath of God Almighty He who cursed in this world but are the works of man This is what disparage the works of man in this world and his behavior in which slander is because this is not due to the lower do not think slander is due to the world and Nr_khas world and leave not, but slander is due to our actions and our Valdnaa Yes aid to obey God is exploited in that it does not vilify the same as it benefits and livelihoods createdGod Almighty for our interests, we use Manafna and to obey the Almighty and to consider their demise quickly consider and consider Ptqlebattha and changes, if we consider that we do not Valzm this is due to our actions.
So fear Allah, servants of God, and taught that the best modern book of God, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad peace be upon him, and evil things are those which are innovated and every innovation is misguidance.

You and the group, the hand of God to the congregation, and ns ns in the fire (God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet, O you who believe it arrived and handed recognition).
O Allah, bless and peace upon your servant and messenger of our Prophet Muhammad, God and the land of his successors for adults, guided Imams, Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, and the companions companions, and followers, and followed them in truth until the Day of Judgement.

O dearest of Islam and Muslims, and humiliated polytheism and polytheists, and destroyed the enemies of religion, and make this country safe, reassuring the rest of the country's Muslims, O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from the demise of grace, and suddenly Nqmtk, and transformation of wellbeing, and all wrath, God the fittest and the governors of our issues, and make them remission threatened is deceived and being deceived, God fittest Btanthm, and beyond them the lining of the evil, and corrupt, God the whole the Muslims on the religion, and as understand the evil of their enemies, O Allah, O our palms evil enemies of the infidels and the polytheists and the hypocrites, O Crown we our choice, and the shroud of evil Cherarna, and shed us our sins are not Ikhavk no mercy, and to make and Lena Khavk and those who followed Tqak satisfied, O Lord of the Worlds, (Lord, accept us, You are the Hearer, the Knower).

Servants of Allah, (God enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids indecency and evil and oppression. He admonishes you may recall), (Fulfill the covenant of Allah when ye have not Tnqadwa faith after have confirmed you have made Allah your surety that God knows what you do), remember Allah will remind you, and Ashkrōh Yazdkm the grace, and said God is great, and God knows what you doing.

Note: Some words are Arabic, Is not translated in English if any mistake, Please Ponder upon It.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The basis for security and stability

Praise God for the blessings which are innumerable, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, in the Lordship and Olheth and His beautiful names, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, His pelvis Morod and great intercession, may Allah bless him and his family and his companions who Astmeskua of Islam grasped the most trustworthy , peace and recognition of a lot, but after. 

O people, fear Allah and be grateful to you which of the great blessing the security of the homeland, and the health of the spine, and abundance of livelihood, and around you Ataktafon in the country, shed their enemies, and Sttohm, and dispersed them, and incited each other, they became in the chaos and disorder, God knows what end it, Vhkuroa God's grace upon you, and is to thank for this blessing in three things, including the Prophet peace be upon him as narrated in Saheeh Muslim that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "God is pleased with you three times, that Tabdoh not involve doing something, to hold fast all God, and that Tnashawwa of whom Allaah has commanded you ", and in another interview:" Three No Aglua them the heart of a Muslim, sincerely work to God, and the advice of the guardian, and the necessity of the Muslim community, "These three things are that bring you all goodness , and kept you for this blessing. 

The first thing is that Tabdoh and join none with Him, and this is what the Messengers brought them peace and blessings of the first to the last of the Order of the worship of Allah alone with no partner and left the worship of what Soah: (And We sent a messenger to you but We revealed to him that there is no god but I, so worship Me), and as said Almighty: (Worship Allah and join none with Him) This is the basis of it, and that the basis of religion, and that the basis for security and stability, what met the Arabs after the ignorance and disunity and fragmentation, which met only on the word of Tawheed is no god but God in word and deed and belief . 

The second thing: to hold fast all God, to hold fast is the Qur'an and Sunnah, Taatmsqua the Qur'aan and Sunnah in word and deed and belief, as permitted Allah and His Messenger Ahllnah, and forbidden by Allah and His Messenger Ahramnah, God Almighty revealed to us the book, and the Prophet peace be upon him we received the year right that draws us to the road, and show us the curriculum proper that we're on in our lives, do not go back to the man-made laws Altagotah that divide is not collected, which mislead the minds, which corrupt the doctrines spread of infidelity and atheism does not prevent from Kafr nor atheism, this is a man-made laws which placed human beings on their own, God does not like us, but prescribed for us to obey Allah and His Messenger, the Qur'aan and Sunnah: (Hold on to God and be not divided among yourselves) to disperse the torment, the difference torment, the band's doom, and brought in around you now dispersed and their differences and bashing each other and no longer recognizes them to a decision , every day they say, every day they plan Tnahron fighting and so on, because they left the sit-in the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him, and obeyed their enemies, and to disperse the scourge and torment, and that is the law of God to us meeting, and the captain by the prayers of the five prayers in congregation at Friday prayers , in the Eid prayers, Eclipse, and ascites, and Hajj and Umrah, all that we do all of us with our fellow Muslims or brought up with meeting and dating, friendship and cooperation in righteousness and piety, that the infidels want to divide us, and to lay down their enmity between us because they know that if we met on the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. peace be upon him, we spoil them their plans and methods which they draw for us, why? Take the plans of the disbelievers and the curricula of the infidels that they draw us, and leave what God has ordained for us and drawn us to our Prophet peace be upon him, this only go to the minds, and the loss of the order, we ask Allah for good health, we must adhere to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, all of us, and not to disperse among us, because Muslims "Kalgesd one and pull together like a single structure" (virtue, righteousness and piety do not help one another in sin and aggression, and fear Allah, for Allah is severe in punishment). 

The third thing: Telling the governors of things, advise the governors of things, but not limited counseling on reminding them, this is a must to remind them, and exhort between us and them, to convey their advice secret between us and them, that their right to us, and which enjoined upon us, it is It is estimated that up to them and Achaffhhm he must do that, WML has estimated it had been reporting, or recommend to contact them and tell them what is happening from the defect, and get from the irregularities of the order to be alert to them and Asalehoha, this advise the parent, may not to mention the bugs, and may not to mention the bugs, and to offend and guardians, including shortages in front of people, and on the platforms or in bars or in the councils of this betrayal, this is grown sedition, and this distinction between the sponsor and the parish, but the advice to get them to them directly or by, does not know about a , but it says in the hadeeth:
 "Whoever has the guardian's advice, let him hold his hand and Anasahh the before; otherwise have led to it,"
The deployment of errors and the dissemination of irregularities and decrease the governors of things, insulting and guardians in front of people, it happens strife and evils and rupture, and this is what the the enemies of Allah and His Messenger, because they do not like Muslims to meet and come together and cooperate, they are trying to tuck strife between Muslims always and never, Let them cautious, and advice for parents to do the work Ichaelha us every employee and every official of the work and all it does notneglect it, do not abandon the work or lazy or Ichaelh to the other, but does the manner required, this is one of the greatest advice to parents,
our advice to parents is not limited to counsel and to recall him, but also and more importantly, to do what all us from the business properly, because the function Secretariat (God commands you to return trusts to their owners), and the secretariats are functions (that return trusts to their owners) that Tsendwa jobs to qualified they do and perform in the interests of the Muslims, in the interests of the sponsor and the parish it from the advice of the guardian of the Muslims that Tnashawwa of whom Allaah has commanded you,
all of that is who brings together Muslims and block the way to the infidels and the polytheists and the hypocrites who want to Asttwa Muslims, and differentiate their group as we see now in countries that around us, the infidels enter it, and create enough conflict between the sponsor and the parish until he got what you read and hear of strife,
There is no power except with Allah, (O you who believe obey the Unbelievers, they Oakabkm Vtnqbawa the losers *, but God is your Protector the best of supporters), we have to Natsam God, and trust in God, and commit ourselves to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger peace be upon him (if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day), if the Muslims if they differed responding differences to the book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and assume that their scholars and opinion leaders in them to do righteous things, either to respond to the infidels to Security Council to the United Nations Nrdha to our enemies, as the poet says 
Do not you doubt the one who venomous Vchmth complaint to the wounded and the vultures Algraban 

We are what we complain of our enemies, we want them to solve our problems, we Kjerih who complains to the lions bird to ravage his flesh is their own business, we have to Select God Almighty, and to solve our issues and our problems among ourselves and in the light of the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of God, and by reference to our scientists and people of conscience in us: (If you came to them an order of security or fear Omaawa him even if the bunker to the Prophet and to the rulers of them, knowing who Istnbtonh were it not for the grace of Allah and His mercy to the devil you follow only a little), but as has been said 

Kalissa Baida in the parched and water on their backs mobile 
Us the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, but do not go back to them, but go back to the kaafir systems, return to the international treaties, to systems that were prescribed the infidels, that repaired them on their disbelief because it is not after infidelity guilt, it can not serve us at all, because God is richest about his bookand the Sunnah of His Messenger peace be upon him, and the duty that we take care of solving the problems of the world what we have from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him do not we go back our problems to our enemies and to the systems of kufr, which did not benefit her family until Tnfna, (they are not blind eyes and hearts but blinded 
that in the breasts), I say this and ask God for me and you and all Muslims from all sin, Fastgvrōh He is the Forgiving, Most Merciful. 

 The Second Sermon 
Praise God for His grace and kindness, and thanks and gratitude to the Almighty, and I bear witness that there is no god but Allah alone with no partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and his family and his companions, peace and recognition of many 
In an interview with Abu paper Tameem ibn Aws al-Dari may Allah be pleased with him that the Prophet peace be upon him said: "Religion is advice, debt advice, debt advice," three times, we say: To whom, O Messenger of Allah, said: "Allah and His Book and His Messenger and to the leaders of Muslims and their common folk." and advice, meaning rid itself of the fraud of all types of fraud, fraud for the sponsor, and fraud of the parish, and fraud not to work the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger, and took the work of the books of the Jews, Christians and atheists this is a fraud for the sponsor and the parish, and fraud of the imams of Muslims and their common folk, we must go as our Book of our Lord and the Sunnah of our Prophet, and go back to our scientists, and to the people of conscience in us, and solve our problems ourselves, if we are righteous and reform of our issues. 

So fear Allah, servants of God, and taught that the best modern book of God, and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad peace be upon him, and evil things are those which are innovated and every innovation is misguidance. 
You and the group, the hand of God to the congregation, and ns ns in the fire (God and His angels send blessings on the Prophet, O you who believe it arrived and handed recognition). 

O Allah, bless and peace upon your servant and messenger of our Prophet Muhammad, God and the land of his successors for adults, guided Imams, Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, Ali, and the companions companions, and followers, and followed them in truth until the Day of Judgement. 

O dearest of Islam and Muslims, and humiliated polytheism and polytheists, and destroyed the enemies of religion, and make this country safe, reassuring the rest of the country's Muslims, O Allaah, I seek refuge with You from the demise of grace, and suddenly Nqmtk, and transformation of wellbeing, and all wrath, God the fittest and the governors of our issues, and make them remission threatened is deceived and being deceived, God fittest Btanthm, and beyond them the lining of the evil, and corrupt, God the whole the Muslims on the religion, and as understand the evil of their enemies, O Allah, O our palms evil enemies of the infidels and the polytheists and the hypocrites, O Crown we our choice, and the shroud of evil Cherarna, and shed us our sins are not Ikhavk no mercy, and to make and Lena Khavk and those who followed Tqak satisfied, O Lord of the Worlds, (Lord, accept us, You are the Hearer, the Knower). 

Servants of Allah, (God enjoins justice and kindness, and giving to kinsfolk, and forbids indecency and evil and oppression. He admonishes you may recall), (Fulfill the covenant of Allah when ye have not Tnqadwa faith after have confirmed you have made Allah your surety that God knows what you do), remember Allah will remind you, and Ashkrōh Yazdkm the grace, and said God is great, and God knows what you doing.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ideologies of Falsehood

Ideologies of Falsehood
by Shaykh Muhammad Nâsir ad-Dîn al-Albânî
A number of ideologies which are not pure and correct are in circulation amongst the Muslims today, and so there are many sects which spread the ideas of the Mu'tazila, Khawaarij, Shee'a, and others. So it is necessary that the scholars establish the obligation of purifying these ideas so as to present the correct form of Islaam to the people. An example of the incorrect idea circulating amongst the Muslims today appeared in a book, whose author attributed the statement , "it is not upon the women to make the Adhaan (call to prayer) nor the Iqaamah" to al-Bukhaaree, and this is not true, and there are hundreds of such examples which are not part of Islaam and which Islaam is free of.

And the obligation upon the scholars is to point out these mistakes, and this is what we mean by (the term)tasfiyyah (purifying the Religion from all the spurious elements that have entered it), but merely this is not enough, for with tasfiyyah comes tarbiyyah (educating and cultivating the Muslims upon this purified Islaam). Many of those that pay (only) tarbiyyah attention are actually cultivating their groups and members with ways of thinking that are connected to their group, not their Islaam. So they colour their individuals with the ideology of the organisation which does not represent the whole of Islaam, rather a minute part of it, when it is obligatory upon them to embrace Islaam in it's totality. Some of them bring up their groups on a type of worship which includes that which contradicts the Sunnah, such as their gathering on the night of Jumu'ah to perform the night prayer, and this due only to the fact that they have not puri fied their knowledge and so have not brought together both purification and cultivation - purifying Islaam from the (spurious elements) that have entered it, and cultivating the Muslims upon this purified Islaam so that the effect that Islaam has upon the people be as the effect it had when it was first revealed. As what was the remedy for them (upon whom the Qur'aan was revealed), is a remedy for all places and times - that is understanding the Qur'aan and Sunnah upon the way of the Pious Predecessors.

There is no doubt that tasfiyyah and tarbiyyah requires an organisation. And I do know of anyone who rejects the use of the word 'organisation', but what is rejected, and I am the first to do so, is an organisation which is not built u pon these principles - tasfiyyah and tarbiyyah. And it is beyond the ability of a single scholar to carry out this tasfiyyah and tarbiyyah, rather it needs tens nay thousands to carry this out. I would hope that no one thinks that such a task can be carried out by a single scholar, and that is because the scope of knowledge is huge, and tasfiyyah needs to be carried out in all aspects of knowledge like fiqh, tafseer, language and Hadeeth. Each scholar should work in their field of specialisation, as it is not possible for a person to make the whole ummah accept his ideas. So there is a need for scholars to be here and there all upon a unified methodology - upon the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and the understanding of the Pious Predecessors. Those not among them should follow this methodology for the process of tasfiyyah and tarbiyyah to go on. So when it is not possible for a (single) person to establish the obligation of tasfiyyah, then how about when we consider that the obligation of tarbiyyah goes alongside it! For if a scholar, in his village, wished to take it upon himself to purify the knowledge from the strange things that had entered it, he would not then find the time to cultivate the people upon this correct and pure Islaam, so it is necessary that he have assistants to receive this knowledge and cultivate the people upon it. And in this way the obligation of tasfiyyah and tarbiyyah is achieved as it should be.

As for (the option) of cultivating the individuals (by taking them) far from society, then this is a pretty picture, it is similar to what is known as healthy isolation, but is it possible/realistic? And where is this pure, untainted at mosphere? The problem with these people is that their Islamic calls are far removed from a scholarly one or a down to earth one. The surroundings to which Muhammad (SAW) was sent to were contaminated/infested (with shirk and kufr) yet he did not call for leaving this surrounding, but after a long time, striving in da'wah he left to another society in Madeenah, which one cannot say was purified one hundred percent.
Regarding Ahlus Sunnah in Lebanon the Shaykh said:

Generally we do not help any Islamic Group to arm themselves militarily before arming themselves figuratively, this due to two reasons: scholarly and from experience. As for the scholarly reason it lies in the verse, 'and prepare for them as best you can from strength', so in this verse is a clear meaning, and an included meaning - and that is that the address is directed to the true believers. So it is upon the groups that they understand this figurative arming before anything else, and that is arming themselves with the correct understanding of Islaam, and to carry it out as best they can taking into account the places (?). And one of the Callers to Islaam in our time has said, 'establish the Islamic state in your hearts, and it will be established in your land.' So it is necessary to establish the Islamic State first in ourselves, our sons and daughters, and our daily transactions, so what is most important for the individuals is to realise the correct faith in their lives.